This contains 3 clothing items, details are in the readme.txt file. Is this worth a revisit or is it fine as is, you tell me! \o/ Optimizing it was also quite a hassle and its still quite heavy despite it. I was fairly undecided here, you could say I cut those corners since I felt I had already spent a lot of time handling the multitude of pieces this outfit is built off. Or if I should turn the half state I gave this into an alternate version and make “proper” halfstates instead. It didn’t feel worthwile to try and make this colorable, but you guys tell me if its a must. But the main preview picture I made felt a bit too… racy for Patreon, so that’s that for now. Microbikini (Inner Top/Bot) Slingshot Microbikini (Inner Top) Cocktail Dress (Top) Condom Belt. Now that I see this preview picture again I’ll admit it doesn’t really show the suit properly though. This is the top entry from this past poll, I’d describe it as a fairly complex futuristic bodysuit.